MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modb
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock

Description of MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
Power management company Eaton has introduced new MTL830 range multiplexers for Zone 0 hazardous area temperature measurement applications, aiming to improve the form factor to minimise hand wiring and simplify installation and maintenance, as well as making them RoHS compliant
The MTL830 range of multiplexers avoids the need to isolate each instrument loop, reducing the cost of installed wiring by up to 50 per cent by communicating the input of multiple hazardous-area temperature sensors over a single twisted pair data highway. Further savings are achieved by reducing the number of inputs to the control system, cabinet space and weight.
MTL831C multiplexer transmitters are normally sited in the hazardous area, typically mounted close to field instruments in an IP65-rated enclosure, supporting thermocouple, RTD and mV analogue sensor inputs. Compatible safe-area MTL838C receivers translate the information transmitted from the MTL831C via the data highway and provide serial Honeywell LLMUX or Modbus outputs, with status information, to feed to host PLC, PC or DCS controllers.
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
The single data highway cable, a simple twisted pair or pair of wires within an intrinsically safe (IS) multi-core cable, supports communication between the safe and hazardous areas over distances up to one kilometre, and also provides power to the transmitters.
“An important component in hazardous area temperature measurement applications, our MTL830 range multiplexers reduces installation time and costs for intrinsically safe hazardous-area cabling,” said Niaz Ahmed, associate product line manager at Eaton.
“We have invested in the development of the MTL830C multiplexer range to support our large installed base of temperature multiplexers worldwide. This allows migration of MTL830B installations to MTL831C and MTL838C products whilst retaining the same sensors, cabling and control system interface,” Ahmed added.
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
The multiplexer system aims to communicate the status of up to 32 inputs, reducing the number of hazardous area wiring pairs from 32 to one. This saves installation time and further reduces costs by eliminating long runs of expensive thermocouple compensation cable from the hazardous to the safe area.
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
The MTL831C Analog Transmitter can transfer a number of hazardous area input signals to the safe area down a data highway consisting of a single shielded, twistedpair cable. It is intrinsically safe and can therefore be mounted in Zone 0 hazardous areas or hazardous locations.
The MTL831C can monitor up to 16 inputs from THC or millivolt sources or 2, 3 or 4-wire RTDs or potentiometers. A data highway is provided that can carry both signal and power over distances up to 2km, depending on the application, the cable and the (noise) environment. Shielded twisted pair is highly recommended. At the other end of the data highway, an MTL838C Receiver translates the information transmitted from the MTL831C. One or two MTL831Cs may be connected to a single MTL838C.
The MTL838C provides a *Modbus® serial data output representation of the inputs together with status information. When the MTL831C transmitter is mounted in the hazardous area, the data highway must be protected by an MTL5553/MTL5053 Isolator/Power Supply mounted in the safe area.
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL830 Series multiplexers with Modbus outputs avoid the need to isolate each instrument loop. Reduce the cost of installed wiring by up to 50`% by communicating the status of multiple hazardous-area sensors over dual-redundant data highways.
Features of MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
- Save on the cost of installing hazardous-area cabling
- Reduce installation time, space and weight
- Rapid problem detection with status reporting systems
- Sensor-failure detection and fail safe drive options
- Serial-data outputs to host control system
- AI to Modbus controllers
- Redundant data highway facility
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL831C Analog Transmitter
MTL838B-MBF Analogue Multiplexer Receiver
8502-BI-DP Bus Interface Module (BIM)
MTL838C Modbus Implementation
MTL3052 Digital Isolator
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receiver
Ordering Models of MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL7760AC MTL7760AC MTL7755AC MTL7756AC MTL7764AC MTL7761AC MTL7766PAC MTL7728+ MTL7728P+ MTL7729P+ MTL7787+ MTL7787P+ MTL7728+ MTL7728P+ MTL7729P+ MTL7764+ MTL7767+ MTL7765AC MTL7778AC MTL7728- MTL7799 MTL7706 MTL7707+ MTL7707P+ MTL7741 MTL7742 MTL7743 MTL7744 MTL7745 MTL7787+ MTL7787P+ MTL7788+ MTL7788R+ MTL7789+ MTL7706+ MTL7707+ MTL7707P+ MTL7741 MTL77742 MTL7743 MTL7744 MTL7745 MTL7798
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL5011B , upgraded model: MTL5511
MTL5018 , upgraded model: MTL5516C
MTL5041 , upgraded model: MTL5541
MTL5042 , upgraded model: MTL5541
MTL5043 , upgraded model: MTL5544
MTL5044 , upgraded model: MTL5544
MTL5045 , upgraded model: MTL5546
MTL5046 , upgraded model: MTL5546
MTL5074 , upgraded model: MTL5575
MTL5022 , upgraded model: MTL5522
MTL5031 , upgraded model: MTL5531 or MTL5533
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
Digital Input MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4501-SR 1ch DI failsafe solid-state output + LFD alarm
MTL4504 1ch DI relay output + LFD alarm + phase reversal
MTL4510 4ch DI solid-state output
MTL4510B 4ch DI multifunction solid-state output
MTL4511 1ch DI relay output
MTL4513 2ch DI solid-state output
MTL4514/B 1ch DI relay output + LFD alarm
MTL4516 2ch DI relay output
MTL4516C 2ch DI with changeover relay output
MTL4517 2ch DI relay output + LFD alarm
Digital Output MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4521 Loop powered solenoid driver
MTL4521L Loop powered solenoid driver IIC
MTL4523 Solenoid driver with LFD
MTL4523L Loop powered solenoid driver + LFD
MTL4523R Solenoid driver with LFD
MTL4523V/VL Solenoid/Alarm driver with voltage control
MTL4524 Switch operated solenoid driver
MTL4524S Switch operated solenoid driver, 24V override
MTL4525 Switch operated solenoid driver low power
MTL4526 2ch switch operated relay
Analogue Input MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4541 1ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater
MTL4541A 1ch Transmitter repeater, passive input
MTL4541AS 1ch Transmitter repeater, passive input, current sink
MTL4541B MTL4041B replacement
MTL4541P MTL4041P replacement
MTL4541S 1ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater, current sink
MTL4544 2ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater
MTL4544A 2ch Transmitter repeater, passive input
MTL4544AS 2ch Transmitter repeater, passive input, current sink
MTL4544B MTL4044 replacement
MTL4544D 2/3 wire transmitter repeater, dual output
MTL4544S 2ch 2/3 transmitter repeater, current sink
Analogue Output MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4546 1ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + LFD
MTL4546C 1ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD
MTL4546Y 1ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD
MTL4549 2ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + LFD
MTL4549C 2ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD
MTL4549Y 2ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD
Temperature Input MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4575 1ch Temperature converter with alarm
MTL4576-RTD 2ch Temperature converter, RTD
MTL4576-THC 2ch Temperature converter, THC
MTL4581 1ch mV/THC isolator for low-level signals
Pulse and Vibration MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4531 1ch vibration probe interface
MTL4532 1ch pulse isolator, digital or analogue output
MTL4533 2ch vibration probe interface
Fire and Smoke MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4561 2ch loop-powered, for fire and smoke detectors
General MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4599 Dummy isolator
MTL4599N General purpose feed-through module
MTL4500 Series Barriers MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4501-SR, MTL4504, MTL4510, MTL4510B, MTL4511, MTL4513, MTL4514 (B)(D), MTL4516, MTL4516C, MTL4517, MTL4521, MTL4521L,
MTL4523, MTL4523L, MTL4523R, MTL4523V, MTL4523VL, MTL4524, MTL4524S, MTL4525, MTL4526, MTL4531, MTL4532, MTL4533, MTL4541,
MTL4541A, MTL4541AS, MTL4541B, MTL4541P, MTL4541S, MTL4541T, MTL4544, MTL4544A, MTL4544AS, MTL4544B, MTL4544D, MTL4544S,
MTL4546, MTL4546C, MTL4546S, MTL4546Y, MTL4549, MTL4549C, MTL4549Y, MTL4561, MTL4575, MTL4576-RTD, MTL4576-THC, MTL4581
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL5501-SR, MTL5510, MTL5510B, MTL5511, MTL5513, MTL5514, MTL5514D, MTL5516C, MTL5517, MTL5521, MTL5522, MTL5523, MTL5523V,
MTL5523VL, MTL5524, MTL5525, MTL5526, MTL5531, MTL5532, MTL5533, MTL5541, MTL5541A, MTL5541AS, MTL5541S, MTL5544, MTL5544A,
MTL5544AS, MTL5544D, MTL5544S, MTL5546, MTL5546Y, MTL5549, MTL5549Y, MTL5561, MTL5575, MTL5576-RTD, MTL5576-THC, MTL5581,
MTL5582 MTL5544D MTL5575 MTL5516C MTL4541 MTL5541 MTL5546Y ICC212 IOP32 IOP32D
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL7706+ MTL7707+ MTL7707P+ MTL7710+ MTL7715+ MTL7715P+ MTL7722+ MTL7728+ MTL7728- MTL7728AC MTL7728P+ MTL7729P+ MTL7741
MTL7742 MTL7743 MTL7744 MTL7745 MTL7755AC MTL7756AC MTL7758- MTL7758+ MTL7760AC MTL7761AC MTL7761PAC MTL7764+ MTL7764AC
MTL7765AC MTL7766AC MTL7766PAC MTL7767+ MTL7778AC MTL7779+ MTL7787+ MTL7787- MTL7787P+ MTL7788+ MTL7788R+ MTL7789+ MTL7796- MTL7796+ MTL7798 MTL7799
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL705+ MTL706+ MTL707+ MTL707P+ MTL708+ MTL710+ MTL710AC MTL710P+ MTL715+ MTL715P+ MTL722+ MTL722P+
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL705+ MTL706+ MTL707+ MTL707P+ MTL708+ MTL710+ MTL710AC MTL710P+ MTL715+ MTL715P+ MTL722+ MTL722P+
MTL728+ MTL728AC MTL728P+ MTL729P+ MTL751AC MTL755AC MTL758+ MTL760AC MTL761AC MTL761PAC MTL764+ MTL764AC MTL765AC MTL766AC MTL766PAC MTL767+ MTL768+ MTL772AC MTL778AC MTL779+ MTL786+ MTL787+ MTL787S+ MTL787SP+ MTL788+ MTL788R+ MTL791 MTL796+ MTL799
ICC MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
ICC201-I1-O1 ICC201-I1-O2 ICC201-I2-O1 ICC201-I2-O2 ICC201-I2-O2 ICC211-I1-O2 ICC211-I2-O1 ICC211-I2-O2 ICC212 ICC221
ICC222 ICC241-T3 ICC241-T1 ICC241-T2 ICC301-I9-O1 ICC312 ICC316-T2 ICC317-T2-LFD ICC352-T1 ICC352-T2 ICC441 ICC446
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4510 MTL4510B MTL4511 MTL4513 MTL4514 MTL4514B MTL4514D MTL4516 MTL4516C MTL4517 MTL4521 MTL4521L MTL4523 MTL4524R MTL4523L MTL4524 MTL4524S MTL4524 MTL4526 MTL4531 MTL4532 MTL4541 MTL4541A MTL4541B MTL4544 MTL4544A MTL4544D MTL4544S MTL4546Y MTL4549 MTL4549Y MTL4546 MTL4573 MTL4575 MTL4576-RTD MTL4576-THC MTL4581 MTL4599 MTL4599N
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL5510 MTL5510B MTL5511 MTL5513 MTL5514 MTL5514D MTL5516C MTL5517 MTL5521 MTL5522 MTL5523 MTL5523V MTL5523VL MTL5524 MTL5525 MTL5526 MTL5531 MTL5532 MTL5533 MTL5541 MTL5541AS MTL5541S MTL5544 MTL5544A MTL5544AS MTL5544D MTL5544S MTL5546 MTL5546Y MTL5549 MTL5549Y MTL5561 MTL5573 MTL5575 MTL5576-RTD MTL5576-THC MTL5581 MTL5582 MTL5599 MTL5314 MTL5501-SR MTL5510 MTL5510B
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL5510 MTL5510B MTL5511 MTL5513 MTL5514 MTL5514D MTL5516C MTL5517 MTL5521 MTL5522 MTL5523 MTL5523V MTL5523VL MTL5524 MTL5525 MTL5526 MTL5531 MTL5532 MTL5533 MTL5541 MTL5541AS MTL5541S MTL5544 MTL5544A MTL5544AS MTL5544D MTL5544S MTL5546 MTL5546Y MTL5549 MTL5549Y MTL5561 MTL5573 MTL5575 MTL5576-RTD MTL5576-THC MTL5581 MTL5582 MTL5599 MTL5314 MTL5501-SR MTL5510 MTL5510B
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL5511 MTL5513 MTL5514 MTL5516C MTL5517 MTL5521 MTL5522 MTL5523 MTL5524 MTL5525 MTL5526 MTL5531 MTL5532 MTL5533 MTL5541
MTL5541A MTL5541AS MTL5541S MTL5544 MTL5544A MTL5544AS MTL5544D MTL5544S
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4501-SR MTL4504 MTL4510 MTL4510B MTL4511 MTL4513 MTL4514 MTL4516 MTL4516C MTL4517 MTL4521 MTL4521L MTL4523 MTL4523R MTL4523L MTL4524 MTL4524S MTL4525 MTL4526 MTL4531 MTL4532 MTL4533 MTL4541 MTL4541A MTL4541AS MTL4541B MTL4541P MTL4541S MTL4544 MTL4544A MTL4544AS MTL4544B MTL4544D MTL4544S MTL4546 MTL4546C MTL4546Y MTL4549 MTL4549C MTL4549Y MTL4561 MTL4575 MTL4576-RTD MTL4576-THC MTL4599 MTL4599N
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL7706+ MTL7707+ MTL7707P+ MTL7710+ MTL7715+ MTL7715P+ MTL7722+ MTL7728+ MTL7728- MTL7728AC MTL7728P+ MTL7729P+ MTL7741
MTL7742 MTL7743 MTL7744 MTL7745 MTL7755AC MTL7756AC MTL7758- MTL7758+ MTL7760AC MTL7761AC MTL7761PAC MTL7764+ MTL7764AC
MTL7765AC MTL7766AC MTL7766PAC MTL7767+ MTL7778AC MTL7779+ MTL7787+ MTL7787- MTL7787P+ MTL7788+ MTL7788R+ MTL7789+ MTL7796- MTL7796+ MTL7798 MTL7799 MTL705+ MTL706+ MTL707+ MTL707P+ MTL708+ MTL710+ MTL710AC MTL710P+ MTL715+ MTL715P+ MTL722+ MTL722P+ MTL728+ MTL728AC MTL728P+ MTL729P+ MTL751AC MTL755AC MTL758+ MTL760AC MTL761AC MTL761PAC MTL764+ MTL764AC MTL765AC MTL766AC MTL766PAC MTL767+ MTL768+ MTL772AC MTL778AC MTL779+ MTL786+ MTL787+ MTL787S+ MTL787SP+ MTL788+ MTL788R+ MTL791 MTL796+ MTL799
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
SD07 SD16 SD32 SD55 SD07X SD16X SD32X SD55X SD150X SD275X SD07R SD16R SD32R SD55R SD07R3 SD16R3 SD32R3 SD55R3 SDRTD SD32T3 SDPSTN SLP07D SLP16D SLP32D MA15/D/1/SI MA15/D/2/SI MA15/D/1TT/SI MA15/D/2TT/L MA30/D/1/SI MA30/D/2/SI MA30/D/3/SI MA05/D/1 MA05/D/2 MA10/D/1 MA10/D/2 MA05/SC/1 MA05/SC/2 MA10/SC/1 MA10/SC/2 MA05/I/1 MA05/I/2 MA10/I/1 MA10/I/2
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
TP48-N TP48-N-NDI TP48-I TP48-I-NDI TP48-G TP48-G-NDI TP48-3-N-NDI TP48-3-I-NDI TP48-3-G-NDI TP48-3-N TP48-3-I TP48-3-G TP48-4
-N-NDI TP48-4-I-NDI TP48-4-G-NDI TP48-4-N TP48-4-I TP48-4-G ICC201-I1-O1 ICC201-I1-O2 ICC201-I2-O1 ICC201-I2-O2 ICC201-I2-O2 ICC211-I1-O2 ICC211-I2-O1 ICC211-I2-O2 ICC212 ICC221 ICC222 ICC241-T3 ICC241-T1 ICC241-T2 ICC301-I9-O1 ICC312 ICC316-T2 ICC317-T2-LFD ICC352-T1 ICC352-T2 ICC441 ICC446
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL5011B MTL5012 MTL5012S MTL5014 MTL5015 MTL5017 MTL5018 MTL5018AC MTL5021 MTL5021-SR MTL5022 MTL5022-SR MTL5023 MTL5024
MTL5025 MTL5025-SR MTL5031 MTL5032 MTL5040 MTL5041 MTL5042 MTL5042-SR MTL5043 MTL5044 MTL5045 MTL5046 MTL5049 MTL5051 MTL5061 MTL5061-SR MTL5074 MTL5074-RTD MTL5081 MTL5082 MTL5099 MTL5314 MTL5344 MTL5349 MTL5531-111LI MTL5531-115LI MTL5991 MPA5500 MTL5501-SR MTL5510 MTL5510B MTL5511 MTL5513 MTL5514 MTL5514D MTL5516C MTL5517 MTL5521 MTL5522 MTL5523 MTL5523V MTL5523VL MTL5524 MTL5525 MTL5526 MTL5531 MTL5532 MTL5532-R MTL5533 MTL5541 MTL5541A MTL5541AS MTL5541S MTL5544 MTL5544A MTL5544AS MTL5544D MTL5544S MTL5546 MTL5546Y MTL5549 MTL5549Y MTL5561 MTL5573 MTL5575 MTL5575-R MTL5576-RTD MTL5576-THC MTL5581 MTL5582 MTL5599
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL5510 MTL5510B MTL5511 MTL5513 MTL5514 MTL5514D MTL5516C MTL5517 MTL5521 MTL5522 MTL5523 MTL5523V MTL5523VL MTL5524 MTL5525 MTL5526 MTL5531 MTL5532 MTL5533 MTL5541 MTL5541AS MTL5541S MTL5544 MTL5544A MTL5544AS MTL5544D MTL5544S MTL5546 MTL5546Y MTL5549 MTL5549Y MTL5561 MTL5573 MTL5575 MTL5576-RTD MTL5576-THC MTL5581 MTL5582 MTL5599 MTL5314 MTL5011B MTL5014 MTL5022 MTL5024 MTL5031 MTL5042 MTL5042 MTL5046 MTL5074 MTL5082
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
MTL4510 MTL4510B MTL4511 MTL4513 MTL4514 MTL4514B MTL4514D MTL4516 MTL4516C MTL4517 MTL4521 MTL4521L MTL4523 MTL4524R MTL4523L MTL4524 MTL4524S MTL4524 MTL4526 MTL4531 MTL4532 MTL4541 MTL4541A MTL4541B MTL4544 MTL4544A MTL4544D MTL4544S MTL4546Y MTL4549 MTL4549Y MTL4546 MTL4573 MTL4575 MTL4576-RTD MTL4576-THC MTL4581 MTL4599 MTL4599N
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
HAZ1-3 HAZ4-6 SAF1-3 SAF4-6 SAF7-9 SAF10-12 PWR5000 HAZ-CJC TAG57 TGL57 PB-8T PB-16T PB-24T PB-32T IMB57 MLTHR2 ERB57S ERB57O
MTL838C Fieldbus Networks Multiplexer Receivers MTL838C Modbus Implementation In Stock
We are specialized in intelligent instruments, including : Transmitters, Flowmeters, Analyzers,Communicators, Safety Barriers, Sensors,Gas Detectors, PLC(DCS), Multimeters, Calibrators, Communicators, Recorder, Inverters, Positioners, Valves, Soft Starters, Circuit Breakers, Contactors, Rail Switches, Power Supply, HMI, Terminal Block, Relay etc.
We mainly supply Yokogawa,Emerson, Rosemount,Fisher,Honeywell,Siemens, ABB,FLUKE, Schneider Electric, Pepperl+Fuchs,MTL, Rockwell(Allen Bradley), Hirschmann, Eaton ,Moeller,FUJI,Omron, Yaskawa,Norgren,CHINT,Hach,Weidmuller,Phoenix, SMC,Testo,ASCO,Parker,Mitsubishi, Festo,GE, CISCO,Auma,IFM,GM,Turck,MOXA, Foxboro, Krohne, Swagelok, LS, Advantech, Dwyer,Endress Hauser, Bently Nevada etc.
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